OHS Overview

OHS differs from other sections of kioskas it is not employee-centric. Instead it stores information/events at a physical Location level. This includes any incidents, hazards, plant/equipment, as well as committees, policies, personnel, etc.

OHS Locations are displayed in a tree navigator, and are used to define the physical structure of the company’s operation. Each of the branches within the OHS node will contain the same physical structure, so that the company’s operation is reflected correctly throughout kiosk OHS.

Some specific terminology is used within OHS in kiosk, and there are set methods of moving around the system. See Navigation and Terminology in OHS for further information.

OHS in kiosk replicates the OHS data in the HR3 payroll database, except it does not contain Management information. Data added or edited in any OHS section of kiosk will be written back to the HR3pay database immediately, just as changes in HR3 payroll are reflected in kiosk immediately. However, as there is no Management section in HR3people, data for this (e.g. Locations, Committee Members, Policies & Procedures) can only be added in HR3 payroll.